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The Projects - Bourne Valley Park 2003-2007

 The Projects

 Bourne Valley Park

About the Project
Fishing at the Park
Project Diary Phase 1
Project Diary Phase 2

Change of Name
Fun Day 2006
Contact List

 The Greenway

 Coy Pond

 Valley Ponds

 Coy Pond Gardens

 Lagoons & Wetland

 Yellow Fish

 Use Water Wisely

 Op Streamclean

Click to view map showing locations of projects

Phase Two April 2007

Phase Two was funded by a £45,000 grant from Biffaward, a multi-million pound environment fund managed by the Royal Society of Wildlife Trusts (RSWT), which utilises landfill tax credits donated by Biffa Waste Services.

Martin Bettington, Chairman of Biffaward, says “It is critically important for communities to have access to outdoor spaces, and this project marks a serious investment by all involved in the area’s future.  Biffaward is delighted to support such a worthwhile scheme, and I hope that it will be enjoyed for generations to come.”

Phase Two included:

  • rubble picking & disposal

  • grass seeding

  • heathland turf & wildflower meadow planting

  • planting behind the viewpoint

  • installation of a new footpath from Monkton Crescent

  • improvements to the footpath from Turbary Close

  • installation of seats and dog/litter bins

  • installation of interpretation boards (signage) at main access points

We will also be introducing fish to the new pond and creating wooden fishing platforms.

30th April

Local Contractors, J.Corcoran, arrived to start work on the new 2.5m wide footpath/cycle way, voted for by you, to be installed from Monkton Crescent to join the Phase One footpath through the long field.  It will also branch off to join the Safe Route to School which crosses the site between Turbary Close and the end of Evering Avenue.

At the same time Poole's Nature Conservation Officer, Jez Martin, has organised the transplanting of heathland from Canford Heath to one side of the stream channel.  Work will be carried out by Alaska Environmental.  Jez is also planting a wildflower meadow area behind that area.

Borough of Poole's own Grounds Maintenance Team have also started work on picking all the rubble from those areas that have been regraded with soil from the stream excavation (Phase One).

10th May

Despite the sudden change in weather work has progressed well; rubble has now been picked throughout the site which makes a huge difference to its appearance (see photos right).  Grass seeding started today so we welcome the rain and the better growing conditions it has brought. 

We're pleased to see vegetation making an appearance on the two submerged islands we created in the fishing lake, just peeking above the water level.  Vegetated islands will create good habitat and provide a refuge for fish.

The footpath is also looking good and should shortly be completed.

11th May

Grass seeding is almost complete; there is some very wet ground around the original pond that we haven't yet been able to work on.

Two local residents have contacted us offering Yellow Flag Iris from their garden ponds for us to plant in the wetland areas, which we will carry out on Monday.  Many thanks to them both.

14.05.07 - planting Yellow Flag Iris donated by residents

14th May

Wet weather has halted progress on the footpaths, but judging from the comments of residents today the recent improvements have been well received.  We also still have a day's work to do to clear the stream bed of rubble and old wood exposed by the excavation works.

17th May

The new footpath through the lower field is complete, with a stretch of tarmac installed at the access point from Monkton Crescent where the path had become rutted and, when it's wet very muddy.  Next on the list for Corcoran is improvements to the access road leading from Turbary Close.

The six park seats have been delivered and in the next week or so we'll be asking residents for their views on where they should be positioned.

21st May

The access road from Turbary Road has been laid with a thick layer of scalping stone and rolled flat; a vast improvement on the previous potholed surface.  Tomorrow we take delivery of wildflowers for the meadow area, and reeds (Phragmites australis) for the new drainage channel and areas of the streambed.  They will be planted by the Community Support Team, a group of volunteers with a range of learning or physical difficulties who often carry out conservation and other useful tasks in the area.  The group's work will be overseen by Caroline Smart, the Bourne Valley Ranger.

14th June

Many of the wildflower plugs have disappeared over the last week or so, and there's no sign of animal interference.  Most of those that have gone include the flowering species.  Without them the wildflower areas are unlikely to reseed and develop.  We will sow some seeds and hope to get a better showing next year.

21st June

This week we have removed 3 tons of rubble from the stream channel and started installing the six park seats - the last three will go in tomorrow.  Already we've spotted someone relaxing alongside the stream while reading a book - something new for Bourne Valley Park!

16.07.07 (enlarge image) - the site grows greener by the day - thanks to the endless rain!

03rd August

The six new dog waste/litter bins have arrived and will be installed soon.  Visitors from Bournemouth Council's Leisure Services department walked the site today as part of a day's tour of Poole's parks & open spaces.  The sun shone and the park was busy with families and dog walkers - good to see!

It seems that someone planned to steal one of the benches earlier this week (well the nuts & bolts were taken which made us think the seat would follow) but they've all been very securely fixed now so it shouldn't happen again.  Thanks to a hawk-eyed resident for warning us!

28th August

The bins have been installed at main access points and on the main route through the park.  The style is unique in Poole and carries on the park's 'green & wood' theme.

27th September

Finishing touches.  John Corcoran's team have been back on site to see to our 'snagging list' - which included the creation of headwalls at three drainage pipe sections, to help prevent erosion around them. 

At the weir we also installed a grille to prevent the pipe becoming blocked by debris - something that has already happened on several occasions.  Headwalls should eventually become disguised by streamside vegetation.

At the same time we have created two wooden fishing platforms at the lakeside.

12th October

The fishing lake was stocked today with 500 rudd and carp, purchased from Framlingham Fisheries near Ipswich.  Councillors and funding partners gathered to watch the event and the Daily Echo published the story. 

A local resident and keen angler has offered to help manage the fishery for us, and to give tips to the young people using it.  We have also published some information about the lake and fishery.

Above (L-R): Councillor Graham Wilson (Newtown Ward), Project Officer Sarah Austin and Councillor Tony Trent (Alderney Ward) at the lake on 12th October - all have been instrumental in delivering this project

20th November

Four information boards have been installed at the main access points to the park.  They show an aerial view of the site and include an explanation of the reasons behind this project along with contact details.

New information boards (click to enlarge)

Click to enlarge

Additional Information

Wildflower species selected for planting in the 'long field': Yarrow, Sneezewort, Lesser Knapweed, Greater Knapweed, Herb Robert, Cats Ear, Meadow Vetchling, Narrow-leaved Everlasting Pea, Greater Birdsfoot Trefoil, Ribwort Plantain, Selfheal, Creeping Buttercup, Meadow Buttercup, Betony, Devil's-Bit Scabious, Common Vetch and Agrimony.

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03.05.07 - Installing the new footpath/cycle way from Monkton Crescent

03.05.07 - some of the several tons of rubble picked from the area leading down from Turbary Close

Click to enlarge

10.05.07 - rubble picked, raked & seeded, the area around the fishing lake and beside the access road from Turbary Close; the new footpath takes walkers close by the lake

10.05.07 - similarly improved, the long field and distant viewpoint

17.05.07 - the new footpath is complete, winding from Monkton Crescent passed the fishing lake to join the footpath installed during Phase I

17.05.07 - we added a stretch of tarmac at the Monkton Crescent access point.  More attractive dog/litter bins will be installed soon!

21.05.07 - improvement work is completed on the access road from Turbary Close

28.05.07 - the weir and stormwater storage basin in action (photo courtesy of local resident Glynis Northwood-Long)

21.06.07 - six seats installed in the park; this one overlooks the new fishing lake

21.06.07 (enlarge image) - a visitor to the park enjoys a book while  relaxing on the streamside seat

21.06.07 - interesting marginal vegetation making an early appearance

July 2007

The seats and footpaths attract regular use on sunny days

28.08.07 - the new style dog waste/litter bins installed in the park; the dog waste bag dispensers (on the sign post) are supplied & filled by the Police

27.09.07 - the new wooden headwall & grille created at the pipe beneath the weir, to prevent it becoming blocked with debris

27.09.07 - one of two wooden fishing platforms built at the lakeside

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About the Project • Fishing at the Park • Project Diary Phase 1 • Project Diary Phase 2

Change of Name • Footpaths • Fun Day 2006 • Contact List

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