One September 2006

Local Contractors, Jenkins Marine,
arrived on 4th September and set up a site compound on the
hard standing left by demolition of the Pavilion.
Earlcoate installed the new footpath through the long field.
Phase One excavation work included:
terraced stream channel through the
long field
in-stream weir
new bridge across the channel
flood basin at
the end of the stream channel
small fishing lake in the
lower field
footpath through
the long field
regrading of grassland area
leading from Turbary Close
regrading of grassland around
the hard standing
regrading the top of the
woodland walk at Herbert Avenue & installation of disabled
creation of a viewpoint
beside the existing pond
The stream and flood
basin system is designed to provide 3,500 cu.m.
of stormwater storage.
Phase One was completed in December
11th September
The main elements of the project
have been marked out (the fishing pond, the stream bed and the
footpath) and topsoil removed; it will be stored and replaced when
the excavation work is complete.
A small standing of willow scrub by
the new fishing lake has been cut back; the area will be regraded
and the willow will grow back. One other small area will be
cleared of vegetation, at the end of the wooded walk at Herbert
Avenue where the slope of the access path will be improved for
people using wheelchairs and mobility scooters.
12th September
Excavation is underway; the fishing
pond is the first part of the stream works to be undertaken.
The spoil from it has been relocated to regrade the approach from
Turbary Close.
12.09.06 - excavating the fishing lake |
Work has started on the footpath
and should be continuing at about 40 metres per day.
19th September
Good and exciting progress in the
last week.
The fishing lake has
been dug and is filling with groundwater. It is also
supplied by a natural spring that was discovered during the
excavation and water appears to be rising at about 1" per day.
The lake has two small islands in the centre, both of which should
be just below the final water level; they will become vegetated to
provide visual interest and a refuge for fish and other wildlife.
There are still some finishing touches to be carried out.
The footpath is coming along well
and will probably be completed by the end of next week.
Work started in the last couple of
days to remove top soil from the long field, where excavation will
soon start for the stream channel.
We have all been very encouraged by
the positive attitude of neighbours and users, and the lack of
problems at the site. After a few harmless pranks in the
first few days, the young people are now far more interested in
when the fishing pond will be stocked and ready to use.
At the weekend Jenkins
cleared some of the bulrushes and other vegetation from the
existing wildlife pond, exposing for the first time in many years
part of the original granite kerb wall around it.
20.09.06 -
work starts to create the viewpoint beside the existing wildlife pond |
22nd September
Probably the most
drastic changes have taken place in the last few days. Work
has started in the long field to excavate the flood basin and
stream channel.
Water levels in the
pond rise steadily, and the footpath route is complete; the
sub-contractors are now just adding surface material to the the
required level.
They were also today
installing ducting along the northern edge of the footpath to take
cabling for the lighting.
Cllr Graham Wilson
spent two wet hours on site today
familiarising himself with all the project details.
25th September
The fishing lake
quickly filled after the torrential rain on Friday & Saturday.
The islands are completely under water. Eventually water
levels will reduce slightly (an outlet pipe has been included in
the design to maintain a safe level, releasing flood water slowly
to the stream.
The photo (below right)
shows the view of it this morning from a high point on the
heathland behind it; beyond the lake it's possible to see how the
grassland alongside the route from Turbary Close has been regraded
by spoil from the lake. On the left of the photo is the pile
of topsoil removed from the area when work started, and which will
be replaced when this phase of the project is complete.
27.09.06 - the fishing lake |
29th September
The end of Week 3 and
progress continues on schedule despite the at times inclement
The flood basin and
terraced stream channel has been cut through the long field.
Next week the final cut will be made, just 2m wide and 250mm deep
in the centre of the channel; water will flow through this cut
during dry weather conditions.
During heavy rainfall
stormwater in the system will be held in check by utilising a
section of the existing culverting at the downstream end of the
channel as a 'throttle'. This pipe will control the quantity
and velocity of water flowing downstream. In this way it
acts as a flood detention structure to prevent flooding of
properties in Alder Crescent.
Stormwater from
Evering Avenue & surrounding area (photo below) will be
intercepted and cleansed by creating a small
SUDS or vegetated wetland through which it will run before
entering the stream.
29.09.06 - inspecting the pipe carrying stormwater from the
impervious surfaces (roofs, patios, roads etc) from Evering
Avenue and surrounding area |
03rd October
The wet weather has
been getting the better of progress; areas of the stream bed has
filled with water, causing difficulties for the excavation work.
There is a lot of clay in the substrate which hampers drainage and
the contractors are having to pump out pools of water.
Meantime, work has started on the 'embankment'; it has no real function
but simply makes use of some logs from the site to create a
interesting feature along the stream channel.
03.10.06 - work starts on the wood embankment feature |
05th October
Earth moving has
finished and the large dumper trucks have left the site. The
diggers remain to carry out the final cut in the stream channel,
remodel the viewpoint
and replace all the topsoil. Work has started
on the new bridge.
Andrew Flockhart, the
Council's Strategic Director, spent some time on site this
afternoon to check on progress.
Next week we will be
regrading the end of the footpath at Herbert Avenue, and a kissing
gate will be installed to allow (for the first time at Bourne
Valley Park) disabled access.
The Contractors expect
to be on site for another two weeks to carry out the rest of the
scheduled work and a few finishing touches. At the request
of several parents, especially those pushing buggies, these will
now include small improvements, and probably an extension, to one
of the informal footpaths.
15th October
Contractors have spent
the last 10 days working on the stream channel and replacing
topsoil across the site. At Herbert Avenue the disabled
access has been regraded and the new kissing gate is due to be
installed this week. The weir structure has also been
completed, with concrete studded with pebbles to soften its
The weir
will only come into action during heavy rainfall, when the flood
detention capacity of the channel upstream of the weir is full.
Water will flow through the 'letterbox' in the weir and tumble
down the 'ramp' on its journey through the park and on to Bournemouth
Gardens. During dry flow conditions the stream will run
through a pipe in the bottom of the weir structure.
15.10.06 -
the weir with pebbled 'ramp' will operate only during very heavy
rainfall |
18th October
The pipe was broken
through on Monday evening (16th) and the stream is now flowing
though the new channel.
Clive Smith, Head of
Leisure Services made a site visit today, accompanying Allan Frake
of the Environment Agency who came to see the fishing lake that
organisation paid for. The kissing gate at Herbert Avenue
was also installed.
The Contractors expect
to leave site on Friday, before which they will regrade the sides
of the upper level of the fishing lake and complete the footpath.
Soon afterwards the
Council's grounds people will sort out the rubble that litters the
site and will start planning to seed the stream channel and plant
the viewpoint.
20th October
The heavy rainfall
during the past couple of nights has washed through areas of
stagnant water and fine silts and the stream is now beginning to
look like a more natural watercourse, with a streambed that is
becoming gravelled. We can really visualise how good it will
look when the grass grows.
The steeper edges of
the fishing pond have been regraded to a more gentle slope.
The Contractors have
finished their work and will be moving off the site over Monday &
Tuesday next week.
We still have the
bridge to construct; we're just waiting for the holly green cast
iron railings we're having made (they'll be delivered in about 4
weeks). Then there's the seating and dog/litter bins to go
in, and some lighting if that's what the majority of people want
and from chatting with people on site it seems that many of them
23rd October
The contractors have
completed the finishing touches to the new footpath and added
another short length from the Milbourne Crescent heath path to the
school route.
They've tidied up the
main access from Turbary Close, wound down the site compound, and
the last of their equipment will leave tomorrow.