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The Projects - Bourne Valley Park 2003-2007

 The Projects

 Bourne Valley Park

About the Project
Fishing at the Park
Project Diary Phase 1
Project Diary Phase 2

Change of Name
Fun Day 2006
Contact List

 The Greenway

 Coy Pond

 Valley Ponds

 Coy Pond Gardens

 Lagoons & Wetland

 Yellow Fish

 Use Water Wisely

 Op Streamclean

Click to view map showing locations of projects

Bird's eye view of Bourne Valley Park (click to enlarge)About the Project

Abandoned sports fields have been transformed into a new green oasis for wildlife at the heart of Poole.

Extensive earthworks and landscaping have transformed the park, providing a range of habitats, including reedbeds, heathland and a wild flower meadow. 

Where the Bourne Stream flowed beneath the park in a pipe, a 450m long open and terraced stream channel has been reinstated using "soft engineering" techniques. 

During heavy rainfall, the stream acts as a detention basin, designed to provide 3,500 cu.m. of stormwater storage.  This sustainable urban drainage system (SUDS) offers an alternative approach to traditional drainage using natural processes to reduce flash flooding and improve local water quality.

The new stream course is crossed by a bridge and a weir, seats and litter bins have been installed, and new footpaths meander through the site linking local communities with each other, with schools and other facilities.

EA's Urban FisheriesIn addition, we worked with the Environment Agency (EA) who paid for the creation of a small fishing lake in the corner of the lower field where it had become very boggy (why fishing?).  

With the earth we moved to create the stream and ponds we regraded some areas of the Rec and created a viewpoint close to the existing pond.  Those using it will be rewarded with a long view of the stream and ponds with the heathland SSSI in the distance.

The Partnership is working closely with Poole's Leisure Services with the aim of delivering a range of other improvements to the site; disabled access has already been installed at Herbert Avenue and more will follow.

The total budget for these works was £182,000 and funding was collected from a variety of sources. The overall objective was to create a more attractive, varied and useful open space that the local community could be proud of and enjoy on a regular basis.

Project Funding

Total budget for the project was £182,000

Phase I was funded by:

A £45,000 grant was secured for Phase II from Biffaward

Click here for the ecological survey (pdf file size 550kb)

Baseline Ecological Survey, October 2005

(PDF 547kb)

Click here for the ecological survey (pdf file size 550kb)

Follow-up Ecological Survey, November 2008

(PDF 1.5MB)

NB: the first Ecological Survey (above) and the Business Plan (below) refer to 'Alderney Recreation Ground' which has since been renamed 'Bourne Valley Park'

Business Plan April 2006 - click to download pdf (248kb)

Business Plan, April 2006

(PDF 248kb)

Pre-Project Preparations August 2005 - September 2006

  • Consultation findingsThe initial concept for this project came about in 2003 following approaches by local residents and Councillors.  It then developed through a period of discussions with Borough of Poole engineers and Wessex Water.

  • Summer 2005: Sarah, the Project Officer, started an initial phase of public consultation timed to get the views of young people using the Rec. during the school holidays.  She and Kate Mitchell (Poole's Bourne Valley Ranger) spent three hot sunny mid-August days talking to users (picture, locals boys discussing their ideas with Kate).

  • August 2005: a ground levels survey was completed; it covers the entire recreation ground and gives us important data for the future stream gradient among other things.

  • September 2005: an ecological survey of the freshwaters was carried out by Robert Aquilina, an Environmental Quality Consultant from Bournemouth.  (A follow-up survey was carried out in 2008, both reports can be downloaded from links at the top of this page)

  • A 3-day public consultation was held at Rossmore Library & Learning Centre (12th-14th September).  Kate & Sarah met with more than 45 local residents; others phoned or emailed for further information.  In total 57 residents returned questionnaires [the results].

  • December 2005: a Project Working Group was formed comprising 14 local residents and nine others drawn from Youth, Community & Health Services, Rossmore Community College and the Dorset Police. The group worked together to inform and support project aims and progress, and ensure it continued to meet local needs and expectations.

  • January 2006: a funding application for Phase II (£45,000) was made to Biffaward through the Landfill Tax Credit Scheme (LTCS), backed by letters of support from the Project Working Group (see above.  It was awarded 'in principle' in July 2006 and finally confirmed in April 2007.  A previous application for LTCS funding in 2004 had been rejected.

  • In February 2006 we installed two semi-permanent boreholes in the area we intended to create the fishing lake; they informed us about ground conditions and groundwater levels and quality.

  • 5th April 2006 - the first Alderney Rec Fun Day was organised by Borough of Poole and the Bourne Stream Partnership.  The sun shone, everything went smoothly and it proved to be a great success.  It has certainly made local people far more aware of the space; several we spoke to hadn't realised it was there!

  • On the day of the first Alderney Rec Fun Day the Environment Agency confirmed a contribution to the fishing lake project of £12,000 from Fishing Rod Licence Income funding for Angling Participation Projects.

  • A Business Plan was then prepared which describes the project in more detail, with information on costs, funding, risks and future management and is available here (PDF 250kb).

  • During the May half-term period a great deal of damage was done to the Pavilion building at the Rec (photo right, 6th June) and the building was demolished on the morning of 20th June for health & safety reasons.  Discussions are still underway re best use of the area of hard standing that has been left by the demolition.

  • The Contract for Phase One was awarded to Poole-based company Jenkins Marine who arrived on site 4th September 2006.

  • Progress can be followed in the project diaries

  • Finally, in September 2008 a follow-up ecological survey of the freshwaters was carried out to see what improvements had been achieved in terms of wildlife and conservation interest.  The results were published in November.

Public Consultation

Further informal consultation continued during the planning period, through regular contact with residents and users.  We developed a database of more than 100 local people who helped support the Project Officer and decision-making.

A 10-week "Planning for Real" consultation by students from Rossmore Community College, other 'pyramid' schools and the extended schools parliaments, intended to identify a sustainable and appropriate use for a refurbished Pavilion at the Rec. had to cancelled when the building was badly vandalised and subsequently demolished.

Decent Parks?  Decent Behaviour?  Published in 2005 this report links the quality of parks with user behaviour. It makes interesting reading and influenced some elements of project development.  The authors use research involving twenty local authorities and seventy-five community representatives, with case studies.

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About the Project • Fishing at the Park • Project Diary Phase 1 • Project Diary Phase 2

Change of Name • Footpaths • Fun Day 2006 • Contact List

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