Footpaths or Lighting
When we
originally designed the project we planned to install lighting
along the new footpath through the 'long' field. It soon
became clear that
some residents were not keen on the idea of lighting, and
several asked for more footpaths especially in the 'lower' field.
We didn't
have the funding for both. Lighting just the one Phase One
footpath (not including the woodland walk from Herbert Avenue,
or the Safe Route to School) would cost approximately £25,000;
for the same amount we could create about 650m of new footpaths.
We received some comments on the choice from other partners:
Conservationists (including Poole's Nature Conservation Officer
and Natural England) preferred we use the money for footpaths due to
concerns that lighting so close to the SSSI might disturb the nocturnal
habits of some wildlife;
Dorset Police's Rossmore Safer
Neighbourhood Team advised that the park is
not currently a gathering place for youths during the hours of
darkness, but suggest that could change if the area were to be lit.

Click on the image above to
enlarge it. The larger image will open as a
new page
The red lines on the
aerial photo denote the boundary of areas of SSSI (Site of Special
Scientific Interest).
No formal
footpaths are permitted across any area of
Key: |
Footpaths installed during Phase 1 |
Crescent to 'long field' |
Crescent to existing path |
From Turbary Close (resurfaced) |
Voting closed on 31st January
The majority of people (75%) voted in favour of footpaths.
The most popular option was for
a new footpath leading from Monkton Crescent to the 'long field'
(#1 in orange on the aerial photo above), which we extended to
link with the footpath from Turbary Close.