Water Wisely
one of the members of the partnership, Sembcorp Bournemouth Water (then
known as Bournemouth and West Hampshire Water or BWHW) ran a project from July - December 2002 that they called "Use Water
Wisely". It involved those people living close to the Bourne
stream and its tributaries.
stream acts, in part, as a drainage channel; treated water used on
gardens in the catchment will ultimately find is way into the stream and
have an adverse effect on its quality.
Aims: to link
the use of water
within the home to its effect on the stream environment, and to raise householder’s awareness of where wastewater
and rainwater goes.
Sempcorp Bournemouth Water, The Bourne Stream Partnership, and
the Environment Agency
all those local residents interested, the project provided:
a water butt
supplied and installed free of charge; this would enable residents
to collect and use rainwater rather than treated tap water in caring
for their gardens, thus delaying and reducing water reaching the
free trigger hose, preventing wastage when using a hose for watering
the garden or washing the car;
offer of an assisted home survey, checking the operation of toilet
cisterns, adjusting ball valves and fitting a 'hog bag' (a special
water saving device for the cistern) where appropriate, and
re-washering taps if they were found to be leaking. A simple
'egg-timer' style shower timer was also offered;
audit of the property to determine whether a household's rainwater
runs to a soakaway or not;
calculation of the savings that can be made, if any, by water
metering (based on occupation numbers and national average water
gift left to reinforce the 'use water wisely' message (a printed tea
towel was used)
final report was prepared by
Sembcorp Bournemouth Water in March 2003.
During the summer of 2003, students from Bournemouth University carried
out a follow-up research project , interviewing 300 residents to ascertain why they
failed to the offer, and what might encourage them to take up future
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