Combating Contamination of Bourne Pools
We have seen quite a range of
contaminants pass through Bourne Pools in the 30 months since it was
created, and these
below are just a few of them.
Thanks to the watchfulness and regular
reporting of local residents, and the swift action of the Wessex Water
Streamclean team, we seem to have cured the worst and most persistent of them.
The white substance (right,
Nov 2003) had
been a particularly regular visitor, and shocking to see. It
wasn't until we opened up the stream to create Bourne Pools that it's
full impact was noticed as you can see from the photograph. Wessex
Water were able to visually trace it by working backward from Coy Pond
Road, lifting manhole covers to track the substances progress through
the surface water sewer system to its source. The company
responsible was unaware of it's impact downstream and the problem was
attributed to a fractured pipe.
In March 2005, following several recurrences, the company
was advised to have all it's surface water drainage redirected to the
foul sewer (with the permission of Wessex Water) in order to cease it's
impact on the Bourne Stream. That has been successful.
The grey substance (left,
March 2005) was
seen more frequently, and over a longer period of time. Analysis
of samples proved inconclusive. The substance's behaviour in water
was confusing. With residents watching, reporting and
photographing the incidents we were able to spot a pattern in its
appearances which eventually - in April 2006 - triggered something in
Nick's mind (Nick works with Poole's Leisure Services). We
investigated his hunch and, sure enough, discovered the culprit.
Again, it was a completely unintentional pollution by
someone who had no idea that much of Poole's public (surface water) and
foul sewers are separate, and that the substance was entering the
stream. We are not expecting a recurrence!

Foam (left, June 2005)
has been another problem at Bourne Pools but it's appearance was
very irregular. Often the incident had passed by the time we
arrived, until Easter 2006 when a Surrey Road resident who
overlooks the ponds reported sightings in the early hours of the
morning - every morning!
and his Streamclean team kept watch on 19th April and started
tracing it back up the public drainage system much as they had
done with the white substance. This was a much lengthier
job, with the polluter found to be right on the edge of the
stream's drainage catchment area.
again, the company was unaware of its impact on the stream and is
taking advice from Wessex Water and the Environment Agency to
solve the problem.
What we can't really expect to combat,
unfortunately, is the
occasional contamination by, for instance, sand (right, Jan
2006). Sometimes we have been able to trace the source
as it's happening, to find it's sand washed into the road from a
building site, or from road works or burst pipes. Often
these incidents will quickly pass and we can only log the details.
These discharges to the stream are illegal, however, and if we can
trace them we will so they're always worth reporting.
August 2006. Wessex Water's Streamclean success in the Bourne Valley.
Read the Wessex Water
Press Release here
Photo L-R: Larry
Spiers, Wessex Water; Claire McClumpha, Environment Agency; Sarah
Austin, Bourne Stream Partnership |
you live beside or near to Coy Pond Gardens, or are a regular visitor to
it, please keep watch and report any pollution to the Environment Agency's
Incident Hotline on 0800 80 70
Visit the
Water Pollution Guide,
for information about the sources of
water pollution and how they can be treated,
and the potential danger
pollution causes.