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 Research & Data

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 Water Quality


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 Student Papers


Student Papers

Partnership work attracts a number of research projects and assignments by students from Bournemouth University, University of Southampton and the University of the West of England.

We are pleased to make them available here (links attached to student names will first take you to an abstract of the relevant paper):

Aquatic macroinvertebrates as an indicator of water quality after an incident of organic pollution in the Bourne Stream, Dorset

Sean Meyrick


Study to Investigate the Feasibility of Inserting Meanders into the Bourne Stream

James Vickers


Nutrient enrichment, algal blooms and the recreational potential of Poole Park Lake*

Amber Moss


Constructed Wetlands on the Bourne Stream, Dorset: An Assessment of Water Quality and Highway Run-Off

Gary Broocks


A Critical Analysis of the Implications of the Water Framework Directive for a Small Urban Watercourse - The Bourne Stream

Ed Hallett


Is it possible to identify the sources of non-point pollution adversely affecting water quality within the Bourne stream, Bournemouth?  Can these issues be addressed?

Ian Midgley


Habitat Quality in Constructed Wetlands as part of a Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS)

Robert Aquilina


Personal Injury Litigation as a Barrier to the Adoption of Sustainable Drainage Pond - A Proposal for Legislative Reform

Neil Chaplin (MSc)


The Use of Constructed Wetlands to Improve the Water Quality of the Bourne Stream, Dorset

Kerry Fleet


The Problems Associated with Wildlife and Habitat Protection Law to the Operation and Maintenance of SUDS and Suggestions for Reform

Neil Chaplin (BSc)


An investigation into the Bourne Stream Partnership Initiative

Joanne Carrington


* Amber's paper focuses on the water quality of saltwater lake at Poole Park; although removed from the Bourne stream catchment area this study will benefit partner organisation Borough of Poole, and provides useful information that might be applied elsewhere.


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