Coy Pond Island
Planting 2006 |
Some of the species planted during the year

Willow (Salix alba
britzensis and Salix alba vitellina)
Weeping Willow is well-known to visitors to Coy Pond and gardens.
We now have more willow species on the island, planted for winter
They should grow up to 6m (10 ft) tall with deep red (britzensis) and
golden yellow (vitellina) new growth.
Left unpruned willow develops into a
substantial tree forming an impressive feature in the winter landscape. |
(Crataegus monogyna)
is a thorny, much-branched shrub or small tree, up to 10m high, a native
in scrub and woodland.
stem is grey, but the youngest twigs can be red.
5-petalled white flowers are arranged in clusters, and the
deep red fruits are 8-10mm across with a single stone inside.
fruits called 'haws' provide winter food for many birds, including
thrushes, fieldfares and redwings.
is one of the most important shrubs for wildlife, generally providing
food for 150 different insects, including Duke of Burgundy butterflies.

(Prunus spinosa)
is a deciduous, much branched shrub, up to 4m high, often found in
lowland woodland margins, scrub and hedgerows.
buds are tiny (<2mm), often in clusters of 3-5, on a dark (blackish)
white 5-petalled flowers open in March and April before the leaves which
follow in late April. The
fruits, like small plums, become the blue-black 'sloes' which are ripe
in September and October.
low-growing thorny bush
is an excellent protection for shy nesting birds such as nightingales.
are the food of the caterpillars of brown and black hairstreak
Rose (Viburnum opulus)
native shrub or small tree with flat heads of heavily scented white
flowers May and June followed by masses of translucent red berries in
autumn. Any good moist soil but will thrive in wet or boggy situations.
well at exposed & wet sites.
height 13ft (4m), grows approx 1ft (30cm) per year. |
davidii (Butterfly Bush)
known as Summer Lilac. A native of China, rather than the UK, but
a popular choice. A deciduous to semi-evergreen shrub with a
weeping form that can get 6-12ft (1.8-3.7m) tall and have a spread of
4-15 ft (1.2-4.6m). A rather unkempt growth habit, but can reach
5' or more in a single season.
in full sun or light shade. The blossoms appear in late summer,
attracting numerous butterflies. |
Dogwood (Cornus
Native hedgerow shrub. Good for
underplanting and in mixed hedges. Clusters
of white flowers in June and mid-green leaves, which turn orange-yellow
in autumn before falling to reveal splendid, red-tipped, orange-yellow
winter stems. This exciting variety of dogwood provides a bold
splash of colour in winter. Any soil, thrives in
a damp position.
informal hedge, 8ft
x 6ft (2.4m x 1.8m).
Buckthorn (Rhamnus Frangula)
known as Alder Dogwood, Purging Buckthorn and Waythorn. A
thornless tree (despite its name) with five-petalled green flowers;
should form a dense undergrowth. Found in damp woodland, hedgerows and
marshes, its name comes from the Greek "rhamnos", meaning
branch. Small white flowers are followed by pendulous red berries which
turn black in September.
Brimstone butterfly lays its eggs under the leaves in early spring and
the hatching caterpillars feed on the emerging leaves and shoots. Field
mice also like to eat the berries.
that are picked unripe are called Sappe berries and are steeped in alum
water to give a yellow dye used by painters, bookbinders and leather
craftsmen. |
English Bluebell (Hyacinthoides
The bluebell is commonly found in deciduous woodland, especially in oak
and beech woods, but we're hoping it will grow well beneath the high
pine canopy of the island.
Our native bluebells are under threat from both the Spanish bluebell (Hyacinthoides
hispanica) and a hybrid (a cross between the English and Spanish
bluebell) which has been cross-breeding with our native species and
threatening its existence. |